In entertainment, the Japanese detective manga series “Detective Conan: Marchandru of Time Limits whos also known as Case Closed” made a significant place with its great concept. The journey of the anime television series was started on January 8, 1996, and currently, it is running with the great TRP. However, the fans and followers are eagerly waiting for the release of its main trailer. Meanwhile, the makers of the series have released the date for its main trailer. Well, with its amazing features, the series received worldwide attention and broke all records by receiving massive recognition. Check out its main trailer release date.
As we earlier mentioned, ‘Detective Conan: Marchandru of Time Limits’ is a well-known and one of the most-watched animated television series. The whole story of the series revolves around ‘Conan” and Detective Kudo Shinchi”. In the series, the character Jimmy Kudo generally known as Shinichi Kudo, is a high school detective. Well, sometimes he works with the police to solve tough cases. The series is also about Conan and the detective Kudo who are too serious for the city crime. The whole city is suffering from the mysterious serial bomber.
On the other side, the childhood friends ‘Ran’ and ‘Shinichi’ are also in danger. Well, so far we come to know the story of the latest trailer of ‘Detective Conan: Marchandru of Time Limits’. Meanwhile, the production of this animation series has announced the domestic release date along with its trailer. The trailer received the massive attention of the audience and also increased its expectations of a new journey. The fans and the netizens are greatly impressed with its amazing animation that features the all characters of the new ‘Detective Conan: Marchandru of Time Limits’. As we know, it is the first domestic release. More information has been released in the next section.
Previously, the trailer of Detective Conan: Marchandru of Time Limits was released that starts with an unknown phone call that treats. However, the call comes from the criminal. The animation shows the best adventure of a thriller in which every character will show their powers. In the next scene, the criminal left the whole city on fire. Since this news spread about the city fire, the main characters of the animation series “Conan” and “Shinichi” made their great entry. Both are trying to save their city from the fire and also looking for the criminal who is responsible for the condition. Both powers, create massive potential support. In addition, the appearance of the time limit device and the bomb scene are also increasing its natural popularity. The audience will also see the multiple detectives such as Detective Mori, detective Megure, and Detective Shiratori. They shake hands with children’s detectors to reduce the danger. Learn more in the next section.
As the main trailer of the animation has been released, interestingly it also features the favorite characters such as Lan, Conan, and Shinichi. However, the trailer little surprising as they all hit the wall which is marked as the best view in “Detective Conan”. As of now, the main trailer of the series has received positive reviews from the netizens and also increased excitement among the people who were eagerly waiting for it. Apart from this, the trailer’s trademark skateboard action scene of Conan highlights a lot that goes through the city’s corners. The whole trailer is covered with a lot of romance, action, mystery, and adventure. However, as of now the makers only released the trailer of the animation. If you are looking for the release date, so let us inform you that “Detective Conan: Marchandru of Time Limits” is all set to be released on the 2nd of October.